Hoy Dic. 29, 2008 me levante con mas ganas de hacer mas cosas. Me hace falta esa energia espiritual que nos mueve.
Arregle mas papeles y vinieron a conectar el teléfono. No cabe duda que sin Fe, Esperanza y Caridad no podriamos vivir.
Mis metas estaban mas que nada enfocadas a perder peso, encontrar un trabajo muy bueno usando el ingles, etc. Pero hoy recibi una noticia de una hija de una amiga cercana que la mataron en un viaje....y me hizo reflexionar una vez más. Como está mi alma? si yo muriera hoy...... que pasaría.... ? si tengo que bendecir mi casa pero nuevamente, mi alma..... cuando la voy a tener limpia y pura? blanca de envidias, de rencores, de malos pensamientos?
Estoy rodeada de oraciones que dejo mi mami y que me traje de Thunder Bay. Pero solo las observo.....me siento hipocrita al rezar....cuanto hace que no me confieso?....
Meta 1: La excelencia en mi espiritualidad y no ser hipocrita
Meta 2: Ejercicio Fisico y Dieta.
Meta 3: Compartir con los demás mi dicha.
Meta 4: Ser más comprensiva y caritativa con los demás.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
To live in Leon or not to live....decisions
My sister and I were talking about how it would be to live in Canada together.
I explained to her that it would be beautiful. However painful. She couldn´t understand this part. I shared with her my experience of loosing both of my parents and relatives while I was there and not being able to be here right away.
Then we came to the conclusion that both of us have no parents and that she would find a job there. She needs to improve her English and I need to research about how and her kids could move there legally... again I said... it is cold... your friends are not there... the environment is different... you get home sick....in a way it is frightening no to know the system at first, however it takes forever to understand it.... so this are the pros and cons of living in a foreign country.
I often wonder how people do it, just like I did.....however I had an in law family and a husband for years.... made friends and great friends.... but the cold killed me.
I need to submit a research project about my expierience in Canada to share it with all the 18 Universities and approx.. 3,000 students on each University of www.universidaddeleon.edu.mx
I explained to her that it would be beautiful. However painful. She couldn´t understand this part. I shared with her my experience of loosing both of my parents and relatives while I was there and not being able to be here right away.
Then we came to the conclusion that both of us have no parents and that she would find a job there. She needs to improve her English and I need to research about how and her kids could move there legally... again I said... it is cold... your friends are not there... the environment is different... you get home sick....in a way it is frightening no to know the system at first, however it takes forever to understand it.... so this are the pros and cons of living in a foreign country.
I often wonder how people do it, just like I did.....however I had an in law family and a husband for years.... made friends and great friends.... but the cold killed me.
I need to submit a research project about my expierience in Canada to share it with all the 18 Universities and approx.. 3,000 students on each University of www.universidaddeleon.edu.mx
Proceso de Pensamiento
Chalio me habla por tel.
Me enseña la casa la agente de donde chalio compro su casa.
Se me hacen muy caras por 360 mil pesos.
De ahi voy a Piamonte a checar precios y no encuentro a la persona que vennde la de lujo que me gusto.
Me lanzo a La Marina... carisima en 1, 330, 000 la mediana.. son seriadas...
Despues me habla la Sra Malu y me enseñan una de 1,650,000 en Piamonte nuevamente.
Me hace recordar el fraccionamiento Sta.Fe y me lanzo para alla.
Por fin encuentro a la dueña de la casa que me habia gustado desde el primer dia que fui a ese fraccionamiento.
La veo a obscuras...ofrezco mas o menos algo que vayan a aceptar y dice que lo va a pensar y que hoy me dice.... se tardarian 2 semanas en terminarla... los acabados no son de lujo, pero la fachada parece de casita de muñecas.
Para decidir: Metros cuadrados, jardin, amplitud... cocina Integral.. pisos... terreno excedente.... acceso vial....
San Jose, Dios Mio, Papa y Mama... Ayudenme a decidir bien por fis.....Ya no se cual me conviene.
Me enseña la casa la agente de donde chalio compro su casa.
Se me hacen muy caras por 360 mil pesos.
De ahi voy a Piamonte a checar precios y no encuentro a la persona que vennde la de lujo que me gusto.
Me lanzo a La Marina... carisima en 1, 330, 000 la mediana.. son seriadas...
Despues me habla la Sra Malu y me enseñan una de 1,650,000 en Piamonte nuevamente.
Me hace recordar el fraccionamiento Sta.Fe y me lanzo para alla.
Por fin encuentro a la dueña de la casa que me habia gustado desde el primer dia que fui a ese fraccionamiento.
La veo a obscuras...ofrezco mas o menos algo que vayan a aceptar y dice que lo va a pensar y que hoy me dice.... se tardarian 2 semanas en terminarla... los acabados no son de lujo, pero la fachada parece de casita de muñecas.
Para decidir: Metros cuadrados, jardin, amplitud... cocina Integral.. pisos... terreno excedente.... acceso vial....
San Jose, Dios Mio, Papa y Mama... Ayudenme a decidir bien por fis.....Ya no se cual me conviene.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Mi cumpleaños y la semana de mi cumpleaños
Estabamos Yossy, Raul su esposo y yo muy a gusto platicando reunidos para celebrar nuestro cumpleaños, ya que Yossy mi amiga tambien cumplió el 28 de Oct. Teniamos planeado ir al Kantare Bar para cantar Karaoke pero luego sucedió algo inesperado y nos quedamos el resto de la noche en la casa escuchando a la serenata Fantastica que me trajo Frank y una raqueta rosa hermosa de regalo. Dimos un buen show con canciones de despecho pero de pura broma. Eramos muy poquitos pero valió la pena. La verdad es una belleza interior de hombre porque tiene muchos detalles que nadie los ha tenido. Ya hacia un buen rato que no me traían serenata.... cuanto mas o menos? 17 o 18 años? También el Jueves me la pasé padrísimo con Alejandra, Monica, Erika, Ana Elena... vi a un chavo cuerísimo con su novia jajajaja pero el idiota no me quitaba la mirada de encima ni yo a el..... ya lo habia conocido y los dos sabemos poco de quien es quien. Otro chavo... casado me hecho los perros.... típico... su hermano, me ofreció trabajo .... por cierto tengo que enviar mi curriculum.... El mièrcoles tuve la fiestecita de disfraces de Ponchito y la chiquita... vi a mis sobrinas hijas de Chela, a Vanessa a Marthita prima de Ma. Amparo...bla bla bla.. El martes, Silvia, Monica, Martha y Liliana, vecinas de Chelita me acompañaron en Lalo´s a festejar mi cumpleaños. Una semana muy ocupada pero muy buena.... estoy en proceso de comprar casa.... solo falta que el notario investigue varias cosas y que yo esté segura de que esa casa vale lo que vale.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Resumen de mi experiencia con la película Arráncame la Vida!
Una película increíble que fuí a ver con mi amiga Monica. Se trata de un político macho mexicano muy ambicioso y mujeriego......me hizo pensar mucho ... simplemente preguntarme por qué a algunas mujeres les gusta la mala vida o malos tratos sólo por dinero?
Se dejan lavar el cerebro y simplemente otras aceptan migajas de amor.....llegué a la conclusión que es simplemente falta de autoestima.
En fin, he estado trabajando con este tema por mucho tiempo y he decidido no aceptar ni una sola migaja de nadie ni ser plato de segunda mesa...... no tengo necesidad de eso. Me pondré a dieta rigurosa y a hacer más ejercicio y continuar con mi proyecto del disco. Ya basta de estar distraída con personas que sólo me hacen perder el tiempo.
Se dejan lavar el cerebro y simplemente otras aceptan migajas de amor.....llegué a la conclusión que es simplemente falta de autoestima.
En fin, he estado trabajando con este tema por mucho tiempo y he decidido no aceptar ni una sola migaja de nadie ni ser plato de segunda mesa...... no tengo necesidad de eso. Me pondré a dieta rigurosa y a hacer más ejercicio y continuar con mi proyecto del disco. Ya basta de estar distraída con personas que sólo me hacen perder el tiempo.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Some pictures...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
First Communion...
Today I attended my friend´s son first communion and it was very special. They asked me to start mass with the opening sentence at the Altar.. I was so excited that I thought I might cry but I didn´t.
Then Manolito after having his first communion started with tears and many of us were surprised and had to have tears... the moment was so special that if I remember it now...it makes me cry again. Right after the daughter of my friend´s sister came to hug me and give me Kleenex.. I thought no one would notice me in tears.. but I guess they did. This shows me one more time that you God never leave us alone even though when we feel that way.
The party was fantastic, Vanessa and I sang. Remembering our High School times.
The idea of recording a CD came up again and will pursue it!
Then Manolito after having his first communion started with tears and many of us were surprised and had to have tears... the moment was so special that if I remember it now...it makes me cry again. Right after the daughter of my friend´s sister came to hug me and give me Kleenex.. I thought no one would notice me in tears.. but I guess they did. This shows me one more time that you God never leave us alone even though when we feel that way.
The party was fantastic, Vanessa and I sang. Remembering our High School times.
The idea of recording a CD came up again and will pursue it!
Nature in Mexico.. Silence Retreat
Where do you come from? De donde vienes? a donde vas? where are you going with your life?
This tree made me remember my roots! my moral values which are strong, just like the tree. When something or someone doesn´t have strong roots, it is very easy to deviate or to break. Thanks to my parents that gave me their example of following the 10 commandments, and exposing me to music, singing, dance and self expression... I grw up with strong roots... how did I survive so long in a different place other than where I am from?... simple.. your roots are your roots and no matter where you go, you will always bring with you those moral values and way of thinking and looking at life.
However, when your roots are that strong... there is a point that you cannot continue going on or moving on against the current. That´s why I ended up where my roots are from.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Pues sigo sin entender los designios de Dios ni mi mision en esta vida........
Se que hay algo muy bueno para mi por ahi pero donde? cuando? a que hora Dios mio?
Entiendo que yo te pedí deshacerme de relaciones abusivas y enfermizas y que es natural que ahora siga extrañando a la compañía que tuve por 2 meses... que rápido se va el tiempo... NO lo entiendo... me dijo que nos dejaramos de ver por dos semanas para así poder definir nuestros sentimientos del uno para el otro. Yo le dije claramente que no se hiciera ilusiones conmigo porque me parece una persona muy diferente a mi y negativa con muchos resentimientos. El no lo entendió asi, el me dijo y quiso hacer creer que yo no se que es lo que quiero cuando yo insisto y quiero a alguien honesto, que me pueda dar una familia sana y que tenga valores morales.
Me confundió toda... me seguía haciendo cariñitos y quería incluso besarme pero a la vez sentí que quiso decirme que está enamorado de otra y no quiere herirme al decirmelo porque el es simplemente asi... mentiroso...
A la vez me hizo sentir nuevamente como la mejor de este mundo diciendome que estoy en muy buena edad, que le encanto de todo a todo....que onda? no entiendo nada pero si entiendo mi petición hacia ti Dios mío.... yo te pedí que me alejaras de cualquier persona que no me va a hacer bien .... es tan difícil distinguir si me hace bien o no....lo extraño es natural... y pues que le voy hacer sino solo confiar en tí mi Dios.... Estoy un poquito herida del orgullo y ciertamente siento celos... casi no sentía celos... es más no recuerdo sentir celos de nadie más que de Graham y ahora Frank ...será que estoy empezando a sentir algo muy especial que nunca habia sentido.... o será que siempre he sido así pero que a JOHN JAMAS LO CELE...?
Bueno pues ya me desahogue y tambien quiero que me traigan serenata... será parte de mi orgullo..saber que soy yo la elegida y no otra? es o será un capricho? a quién quiero... por otra partes no se me olvida mi guitarrista cantor....cuánto tiempo de conocernos.....que será de el... que pensará...me extrañará como yo a él?
Se que hay algo muy bueno para mi por ahi pero donde? cuando? a que hora Dios mio?
Entiendo que yo te pedí deshacerme de relaciones abusivas y enfermizas y que es natural que ahora siga extrañando a la compañía que tuve por 2 meses... que rápido se va el tiempo... NO lo entiendo... me dijo que nos dejaramos de ver por dos semanas para así poder definir nuestros sentimientos del uno para el otro. Yo le dije claramente que no se hiciera ilusiones conmigo porque me parece una persona muy diferente a mi y negativa con muchos resentimientos. El no lo entendió asi, el me dijo y quiso hacer creer que yo no se que es lo que quiero cuando yo insisto y quiero a alguien honesto, que me pueda dar una familia sana y que tenga valores morales.
Me confundió toda... me seguía haciendo cariñitos y quería incluso besarme pero a la vez sentí que quiso decirme que está enamorado de otra y no quiere herirme al decirmelo porque el es simplemente asi... mentiroso...
A la vez me hizo sentir nuevamente como la mejor de este mundo diciendome que estoy en muy buena edad, que le encanto de todo a todo....que onda? no entiendo nada pero si entiendo mi petición hacia ti Dios mío.... yo te pedí que me alejaras de cualquier persona que no me va a hacer bien .... es tan difícil distinguir si me hace bien o no....lo extraño es natural... y pues que le voy hacer sino solo confiar en tí mi Dios.... Estoy un poquito herida del orgullo y ciertamente siento celos... casi no sentía celos... es más no recuerdo sentir celos de nadie más que de Graham y ahora Frank ...será que estoy empezando a sentir algo muy especial que nunca habia sentido.... o será que siempre he sido así pero que a JOHN JAMAS LO CELE...?
Bueno pues ya me desahogue y tambien quiero que me traigan serenata... será parte de mi orgullo..saber que soy yo la elegida y no otra? es o será un capricho? a quién quiero... por otra partes no se me olvida mi guitarrista cantor....cuánto tiempo de conocernos.....que será de el... que pensará...me extrañará como yo a él?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Estoy tratando de hacer demasiado?
Pues no dejo de correr desde que amanezco y me levanto hasta que me duermo nuevamente.... Me siento agotada... ya me tomo unas vitaminas, clorofila, etc.
Mi mente no deja de pensar en miles de cosas a la vez y cuando el dia se fué, todavia me quedan pendientes de meses anteriores.
Hay varias personas que me han consumido mi tiempo pero porque yo lo he permitido..
No dejaré que esto pase más. Ya basta!!! enough is enough!
Prepararé mis clases como se debe y las ordenaré papel tras papel.....
Si el estar tratando de encontrar la casa que quiero y lo que de verdad quiero y a la vez lidiar con el cheque perdido de NISSAN y el cheque mal hecho de ING....., las cuentas bancarias.... etc. Estoy simplemente agotada.
Pero de hoy en adelante, La Independencia de Mexico será también mi independencia y me librare de gente mentirosa como Frank, como no se quien mas...... y de gente rara como... el que pienso que es joto.. pero que estoy haciendo yo para atraer a este tipo de personas a mi vida y por que me permito involucrarme tratando de ayudarlas a tal grado que despues ya me siento triste por su ausencia aun cuando yo se que no es alguien bueno para mí.
Dios mío ayudame a ser fuerte y ya no permitirme yo ni a nadie pasarse del limite y ademas tomarme como burla.
Mi mente no deja de pensar en miles de cosas a la vez y cuando el dia se fué, todavia me quedan pendientes de meses anteriores.
Hay varias personas que me han consumido mi tiempo pero porque yo lo he permitido..
No dejaré que esto pase más. Ya basta!!! enough is enough!
Prepararé mis clases como se debe y las ordenaré papel tras papel.....
Si el estar tratando de encontrar la casa que quiero y lo que de verdad quiero y a la vez lidiar con el cheque perdido de NISSAN y el cheque mal hecho de ING....., las cuentas bancarias.... etc. Estoy simplemente agotada.
Pero de hoy en adelante, La Independencia de Mexico será también mi independencia y me librare de gente mentirosa como Frank, como no se quien mas...... y de gente rara como... el que pienso que es joto.. pero que estoy haciendo yo para atraer a este tipo de personas a mi vida y por que me permito involucrarme tratando de ayudarlas a tal grado que despues ya me siento triste por su ausencia aun cuando yo se que no es alguien bueno para mí.
Dios mío ayudame a ser fuerte y ya no permitirme yo ni a nadie pasarse del limite y ademas tomarme como burla.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
What do you want from me God?
I have 3 close friends with cancer right now..... God what are you asking from me? one lives in Canada and the other two are here in Leon, Gto... I have dealt a lot with people that suffered cancer, my sister and my mother to start with and so on.
I try to keep them happy and make them feel useful and show my support.... however, it is quite hard task to do.
One friend who has cancer as well, had a heart attack.... I felt awful since there is a long story behind this one.. and the conclusion is that I went to see him today and realized all the people that love him,... he was feeling lonely and alone a week ago when he discovered his cancer in his lungs due to smoke...well... today the hospital was packed and the line up huge to see him.... when I entered into the room there is this ladie that I hadn´t seen and wasn´t from the family.....his lips had lipstick and I kind of thought to myself... oh this one must be the exwife... so I waited a bit until they said good bye to each other and she kissed him again on the lips... I only stood up there watching and I gave him a kiss on his forehead as a frienship sign to remark this to him. We hardly talked because then his cell phone rang... even though he is in intensive care... right after another girl came in.... must be the exgirlfriend... I had to laugh and then I gave him a rock with the word HOPE and I convinced him about not leaving the hospital and changed his mind. I said it is wise to change his mind.. and he said... muñeca I will never win with you... and I said that´s right. So I found out he hasn´t told his family about his cancer and doesn´t want me to tell his family, so having said that... I will step away completley and let him go on that way. But God, what do you really want from me in this case? He knows that I have a boyfriend in California... and he also knows that there is no chance on earth with me and with what I saw today ..... even worse... it will make it easy though on me to keep him away from me....so I guess this scene at the hospital was meant to be... just on time!
Keep him healthy God and I do Thank you for the happiness and lesson that I have learned from this man.... he is definetly something else and someone who does not take care of himself in the interior or in his soul... yet he does look very good on the outside and dressed up... bla bla bla selfish as other man I have met, but in the inside he is totally empty...oh he did say today that this heart attack is a wake up call and he will listen this time...I said yes... God is giving you another chance and you must take it seriously.
I don´t know why I go through this experiences with friends that have cancer... perhaps I do have to go through test myself since it´s been a long time since I did my last test for cancer.. and it runs in my family.....
My brother´s concrert was amazing and my sister and him ended up singing and I sang at the end with the piano player.... great contact since she suggested I should sing around the City and also to talk to her on the 11th her birthday.... Thanks for this too God.
Good night God and thank you for this day....
I try to keep them happy and make them feel useful and show my support.... however, it is quite hard task to do.
One friend who has cancer as well, had a heart attack.... I felt awful since there is a long story behind this one.. and the conclusion is that I went to see him today and realized all the people that love him,... he was feeling lonely and alone a week ago when he discovered his cancer in his lungs due to smoke...well... today the hospital was packed and the line up huge to see him.... when I entered into the room there is this ladie that I hadn´t seen and wasn´t from the family.....his lips had lipstick and I kind of thought to myself... oh this one must be the exwife... so I waited a bit until they said good bye to each other and she kissed him again on the lips... I only stood up there watching and I gave him a kiss on his forehead as a frienship sign to remark this to him. We hardly talked because then his cell phone rang... even though he is in intensive care... right after another girl came in.... must be the exgirlfriend... I had to laugh and then I gave him a rock with the word HOPE and I convinced him about not leaving the hospital and changed his mind. I said it is wise to change his mind.. and he said... muñeca I will never win with you... and I said that´s right. So I found out he hasn´t told his family about his cancer and doesn´t want me to tell his family, so having said that... I will step away completley and let him go on that way. But God, what do you really want from me in this case? He knows that I have a boyfriend in California... and he also knows that there is no chance on earth with me and with what I saw today ..... even worse... it will make it easy though on me to keep him away from me....so I guess this scene at the hospital was meant to be... just on time!
Keep him healthy God and I do Thank you for the happiness and lesson that I have learned from this man.... he is definetly something else and someone who does not take care of himself in the interior or in his soul... yet he does look very good on the outside and dressed up... bla bla bla selfish as other man I have met, but in the inside he is totally empty...oh he did say today that this heart attack is a wake up call and he will listen this time...I said yes... God is giving you another chance and you must take it seriously.
I don´t know why I go through this experiences with friends that have cancer... perhaps I do have to go through test myself since it´s been a long time since I did my last test for cancer.. and it runs in my family.....
My brother´s concrert was amazing and my sister and him ended up singing and I sang at the end with the piano player.... great contact since she suggested I should sing around the City and also to talk to her on the 11th her birthday.... Thanks for this too God.
Good night God and thank you for this day....
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Trip on a Boat in Huatulco!
This was Awesome! great environment! I was amazed by the organization of this Tour.. .Magnitur and we left all our staff on the boat while we went snorkling and when we came back, nothing was missing from our bags... I was leary to do so but I risked it and left it all there.... I am proud of all the people that is in charge of this tour.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Huatulco it is and oh my Goodness look at this!
My sister and I were supposed to go to Bahamas and we ended up in Huatulco but we have no regrets. We loved it and I felt in love with someone very special! Oh my Goodness. Except... he is from Oaxaca but lives in the U.S. we can´t stop calling each other since...oh he came back to Huatulco 3 times after he had left the hotel... he flew from Oaxaca again the night before I left, brought me a beautiful present and also thought about my sister and brought her a present too. We danced great, couldn´t stop laughing, and that was a short period of time .... no more comments....
Nothing more to say.....We are toasted with the sun and we absolutley enjoyed ourselves.
Pictures and video to follow....
Visit Huatulco, it is worth it!
Nothing more to say.....We are toasted with the sun and we absolutley enjoyed ourselves.
Pictures and video to follow....
Visit Huatulco, it is worth it!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Cool Reactions to little accidents...
Today getting dressed up and spiced up by my sister in law and borrowing my nieces belt......oooooppppssss the belt ripped around my waist.... oh my God I thought she would be mad and she would be so angry... I was embarrassed....she came into the bedroom and started laughing stating Ay Tia don´t you worry.... !!!! please don´t that belt is replaceble and I don´t wear it that much anyway.. so I said I would buy her a new one and keep that one..... so I ended up wearing it and tried it in a different way. I loved her reaction about it and about life. So simple and nice. Even though I know it is only a belt, you never know how people will react. We´ve laughed about the belt all day long, sang Karaoke and had fun all the way. Love her to death. And she is picking right beside me watching what I write, and here comes my brother now.... ha ha ha hahahha h.... good night. The dunky was watching too.. her favoritew dunky that her friend gave her in Miami trip! Makes me laugh so hard... she sleeps with it all night long.. that thing would scare me in the middle of the night!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
New Adventures New Hope!
I have a new job and now I am planning to do another trip to Bahamas in a Cruise or to Southamerica before I start working again!
I am also reading several books at the time. One is about the meaning of silence. It is made on rhymes and it is awesome! I can´t remember the author but it is in Spanish.
I will have my own website to promote my own business and continue my dream as a self employer.
I have a lot to accomplish.
I am doing Belly Dancing and enjoying it.
I am counting my blessings every day. I saw my friend Yossy and Judith today good very good friends oh my goodness... !! They have always been there any time in good times and bad times. Yossy was borned on the same date I was borned but one year younger.
We were remembering our old times when we were the boss in romantic bars asking for every single song we wanted and were laughing our head off.....!
The time ran by and couldn´t talk more because both of them have kids and husbands to go back to... I don´t so I went back to make supper and do some shopping....oh well more kitchen stuff to buy... what else is new....
Good night to all....
I am also reading several books at the time. One is about the meaning of silence. It is made on rhymes and it is awesome! I can´t remember the author but it is in Spanish.
I will have my own website to promote my own business and continue my dream as a self employer.
I have a lot to accomplish.
I am doing Belly Dancing and enjoying it.
I am counting my blessings every day. I saw my friend Yossy and Judith today good very good friends oh my goodness... !! They have always been there any time in good times and bad times. Yossy was borned on the same date I was borned but one year younger.
We were remembering our old times when we were the boss in romantic bars asking for every single song we wanted and were laughing our head off.....!
The time ran by and couldn´t talk more because both of them have kids and husbands to go back to... I don´t so I went back to make supper and do some shopping....oh well more kitchen stuff to buy... what else is new....
Good night to all....
Monday, June 16, 2008
This Morning
I woke up thinking about someone and another girlfriend sent me a text message and made my day. I confided in her about what I was thinking.... Never heard back from her again... Then I sent another text message to another friend and this person was in Vancouver... I had a few laughs and then got ready to start my day.
I looked for my Karaoke CD´s and finally found them... then read pieces of two different books, ate breakfast, made my bed... I think the order of this activities is totally different,... but once I got ready my sister picked me up and we went for groceries... I ran into my God Father´s daughter and she asked me if I was here with my husband and I laughed again and I said... no my dear... I sent him to hell and I am single... do you know someone? and she took her notebook out and said YES! a few Italians! ha ha ha ha we kept laughing! so I wrote her number! I love the Italian language and she is teaching it so gave me a few ideas! and I will teach English too, what a heck... what a great encounter! Keep beleiving and take opportunities!! Love Life!
I looked for my Karaoke CD´s and finally found them... then read pieces of two different books, ate breakfast, made my bed... I think the order of this activities is totally different,... but once I got ready my sister picked me up and we went for groceries... I ran into my God Father´s daughter and she asked me if I was here with my husband and I laughed again and I said... no my dear... I sent him to hell and I am single... do you know someone? and she took her notebook out and said YES! a few Italians! ha ha ha ha we kept laughing! so I wrote her number! I love the Italian language and she is teaching it so gave me a few ideas! and I will teach English too, what a heck... what a great encounter! Keep beleiving and take opportunities!! Love Life!
Monday, June 9, 2008
My niece Grace oh my Goodness Funny
Wow... I thought something to my niece and she learned it fast and she thought me somehting and made laugh so hard...
She is so Beautiful inside and out... she got up all pissed off out of nothing and then her brother crashed her car... ha ha ha that´s life...
I went to look for cars for myself, semiused and new ones, and an old friend called me too and invited me out and had to pass for now.. way too busy with other things in my life... but anyway my niece and I had a super chat right now about our presentimientos and we love to swear f. this f. that... and all kinds of Spanish words... I hear her conversation with a guy and I almost fall off my chair... and I said to her is that a guy... I cannot believe what you are saying to him.... and she was laughing her head off... oh well I guess this times have changed... she is only 20...
She is so Beautiful inside and out... she got up all pissed off out of nothing and then her brother crashed her car... ha ha ha that´s life...
I went to look for cars for myself, semiused and new ones, and an old friend called me too and invited me out and had to pass for now.. way too busy with other things in my life... but anyway my niece and I had a super chat right now about our presentimientos and we love to swear f. this f. that... and all kinds of Spanish words... I hear her conversation with a guy and I almost fall off my chair... and I said to her is that a guy... I cannot believe what you are saying to him.... and she was laughing her head off... oh well I guess this times have changed... she is only 20...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Awesome Day
Old friend showed up on my door today! and he called me muñeca! he made my day!
His sister was supposed to show up but she didn´t. Oh well. He went and showed me an appartment and then we brained stormed ideas about how to sell my car in TBay or how to bring it here. Pretty smart man.
His Father died a few months ago so I talked to him about it briefly and we talked about many things in a chingadazo.
How nice is to see and reencounter new friends or old friends.
Yesterday was an awesome day too. I saw Madre Pilar at my High School and she mentioned I sent her an e-mail right from Canada supporting her through her illness of Cancer and her speech was encouraging. She said in April she was healthy and now she is not. Right after her great speech .... she fainted on us. Scarry feeling. I thought she was really sick... I got flashbacks from my sister Mary when she had Cancer.. my stomach went empty, my head spinned and I felt fainting myself too. We were about 50 people there and everyone panicked.. holly.... !!! I couldn´t believe it I ran and got coke for her, no doctors around, the rest of the people around her trying to help giving her some air with paper ....woowwwww a day full of emotions... I saw Vero Fernandez... another old friend from University, and many more from High School.
Thank you Lord for this two Last days... way too many things have happened lately that I can´t thank you enough for it.
Your daughter Marilu
His sister was supposed to show up but she didn´t. Oh well. He went and showed me an appartment and then we brained stormed ideas about how to sell my car in TBay or how to bring it here. Pretty smart man.
His Father died a few months ago so I talked to him about it briefly and we talked about many things in a chingadazo.
How nice is to see and reencounter new friends or old friends.
Yesterday was an awesome day too. I saw Madre Pilar at my High School and she mentioned I sent her an e-mail right from Canada supporting her through her illness of Cancer and her speech was encouraging. She said in April she was healthy and now she is not. Right after her great speech .... she fainted on us. Scarry feeling. I thought she was really sick... I got flashbacks from my sister Mary when she had Cancer.. my stomach went empty, my head spinned and I felt fainting myself too. We were about 50 people there and everyone panicked.. holly.... !!! I couldn´t believe it I ran and got coke for her, no doctors around, the rest of the people around her trying to help giving her some air with paper ....woowwwww a day full of emotions... I saw Vero Fernandez... another old friend from University, and many more from High School.
Thank you Lord for this two Last days... way too many things have happened lately that I can´t thank you enough for it.
Your daughter Marilu
Monday, June 2, 2008
Vives en Mi (You Live in Me) Song- Benny Ibarra

Por poco y no podia mas,
ya casi me dolia soñar,
justo cuando comenzaba a no creer
llegaste tu, y desperte.
A tu lado aprendi a volar
a encontrar las ganas de luchar
me enseñaste que la magia
esta al alcance de mi anhelo, y tu amor
me ha dado fe.
Y lo que tu me has dado
lo llevo en la sangre y en mi ser
oh oh oh
te sentire a mi lado
no importa donde sea que estes
tu amor dejo una huella en mi existir,
te guardo dentro
vives en mi ohh oh oh oh oh oh
vives en mi ohh oh oh oh
Si la vida nos separa hoy,
ya veras que para siempre estoy,
flotando en tu respiracion
me llevaras prendido a el corazon
igual que yo
Y lo que tu me has dado
lo llevo en la sangre y en mi ser
te sentire a mi lado
no importa donde sea que estas
tu amor dejo una huella en mi existir
te guardo dentro
vives en mi ohh oh oh
vives en mi
vives en mi ohhh oh oh oh oh
vives en mi ohohohoh
vives en mi
Saturday, May 17, 2008
In Mexico following my dream
Here I am following my dream surrounded by my family and friends. Immediately felt welcomed and saw I have not idea how many of my relatives.
Today I will attend my brothers wedding and I am sure will be great and also very emotional. My niece Monica shared with me that she´s got a picture of me with her ....that was quite something meaninful to me. We spent great time last night together....we were almost ready to go out but both were very tired... she lives in California... and both talked about the American dream and how harming it is for the entire society. I have no regrets of my decision of moving back to Mexico. It won´t be easy... I have looked at two appartments... and they are not cheap... they are in the range of one million pesos .... next week I will be looking for different opportunities of jobs or my own business and reconnecting with my old business contacts....
For now I have to run to get ready for my brother´s wedding.
My sister... won´t attend... she left with the kids to the club... like any family still problems and challenges to face... family is divided... sad... if you pray please pray for the union of my family.
Today I will attend my brothers wedding and I am sure will be great and also very emotional. My niece Monica shared with me that she´s got a picture of me with her ....that was quite something meaninful to me. We spent great time last night together....we were almost ready to go out but both were very tired... she lives in California... and both talked about the American dream and how harming it is for the entire society. I have no regrets of my decision of moving back to Mexico. It won´t be easy... I have looked at two appartments... and they are not cheap... they are in the range of one million pesos .... next week I will be looking for different opportunities of jobs or my own business and reconnecting with my old business contacts....
For now I have to run to get ready for my brother´s wedding.
My sister... won´t attend... she left with the kids to the club... like any family still problems and challenges to face... family is divided... sad... if you pray please pray for the union of my family.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Everything Changes
I spoke to a friend of mine about my day today. Decisions to make for this week that will determine my future.
Part of my dream is to travel but with a job I wouldn't be able to.
I can't decide yet if I want that career or not.. need to stay here?
Canada advantages:
Love English Language and Respect for wild life and nature
Love the correct legal system..I am used to it now.
Love the clean air.
Love my friends here now.
No abuse..not permitted anyway.
Canada Disadvantages:
Very expensive to make a living and I am only surviving at that job right now.. unless I move out of this City.
Very cold City.
I can't eat much...not motivated to cook Canadian Food.
Mexico advantages:
Food delicious
Music love it
I would work in my field and make a living and money
Would be close to my family and have friends too
I love the climate
I do love the culture and the great manners well educated people!!!
Mexico disadvantages
System is very corrupted
I don't know if I fit anymore...I've been in Canada for too long!
Have to pay for HOspitals and doctors or Health Insurance.
People smoke all over the place and I hate that!
Part of my dream is to travel but with a job I wouldn't be able to.
I can't decide yet if I want that career or not.. need to stay here?
Canada advantages:
Love English Language and Respect for wild life and nature
Love the correct legal system..I am used to it now.
Love the clean air.
Love my friends here now.
No abuse..not permitted anyway.
Canada Disadvantages:
Very expensive to make a living and I am only surviving at that job right now.. unless I move out of this City.
Very cold City.
I can't eat much...not motivated to cook Canadian Food.
Mexico advantages:
Food delicious
Music love it
I would work in my field and make a living and money
Would be close to my family and have friends too
I love the climate
I do love the culture and the great manners well educated people!!!
Mexico disadvantages
System is very corrupted
I don't know if I fit anymore...I've been in Canada for too long!
Have to pay for HOspitals and doctors or Health Insurance.
People smoke all over the place and I hate that!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Love List
What a great Play I watched today. The funniest but makes you think. We create what we want and choose in life for ourselves. We really do.
So, this is my love list:
1.- Someone Religious and Spiritual with moral values
2.- Funny or sense of humor
3.- Talkative but not self centred
4.- Loves dancing and music, plays piano, and guitar and sings
5.- Loves cultures and languages. Speaks Spanish, Italian, English and French
6.- Loves to travel and has passion for life
7.- Has respect for women and supports my thoughts about how to raise a family
8.- Great Lover, sensitive and caring, loves to hug me and kiss me.
9.- Faithful and successful in his professional career
10.- Takes care of himself, clean, fashionable.
11. No addiction to smoke or alcohol or drugs.
Are you the one?
So, this is my love list:
1.- Someone Religious and Spiritual with moral values
2.- Funny or sense of humor
3.- Talkative but not self centred
4.- Loves dancing and music, plays piano, and guitar and sings
5.- Loves cultures and languages. Speaks Spanish, Italian, English and French
6.- Loves to travel and has passion for life
7.- Has respect for women and supports my thoughts about how to raise a family
8.- Great Lover, sensitive and caring, loves to hug me and kiss me.
9.- Faithful and successful in his professional career
10.- Takes care of himself, clean, fashionable.
11. No addiction to smoke or alcohol or drugs.
Are you the one?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Someone thought of me
Nice message today!
someone thought of me and made my day!
You just never know when someone is going to call you and let you know that you mean something to them.
I did the same thing to other 3 people! called them and let them know I was thinking about them.
someone thought of me and made my day!
You just never know when someone is going to call you and let you know that you mean something to them.
I did the same thing to other 3 people! called them and let them know I was thinking about them.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Time to Dream!
What do you really want in life?
Start small, then go into the next step!
My friend from Spain suggested to get a nice place first in order to land a nice job... I said to her that would be backwards and did not make sense financially.
Now I think everything is coming together... first a job, then a car, then...continue dreaming on... what is next really.... nobody knows.... all I know is deep inside my dream is peace within...
Be truthful to myself, to yourself! who are you? who am I? what do I like to do? what do I enjoy to do the most? what am I ready for?
I love travelling, speaking English and Spanish, laughing, making jokes out of nothing, and helping people... in which market? what attracts me the most!!!!!??????
if anything was possible at this point of my life..... I would go with music and teaching culture differences, preaching, counselling! a friend of mine suggested a ship! what a great idea! to do that for a year? sounds exciting! no ties, no worries... what a heck?
1.- So I started with surrounding myself of 5 people I admire: Can't say names...
2.- Changing my environment
3.- Follow your dream
But all in all: LET IT GO!!!!!! and that is the worse and hardest part ever of everything! whatever is holding you and holding me! let it go!
Start small, then go into the next step!
My friend from Spain suggested to get a nice place first in order to land a nice job... I said to her that would be backwards and did not make sense financially.
Now I think everything is coming together... first a job, then a car, then...continue dreaming on... what is next really.... nobody knows.... all I know is deep inside my dream is peace within...
Be truthful to myself, to yourself! who are you? who am I? what do I like to do? what do I enjoy to do the most? what am I ready for?
I love travelling, speaking English and Spanish, laughing, making jokes out of nothing, and helping people... in which market? what attracts me the most!!!!!??????
if anything was possible at this point of my life..... I would go with music and teaching culture differences, preaching, counselling! a friend of mine suggested a ship! what a great idea! to do that for a year? sounds exciting! no ties, no worries... what a heck?
1.- So I started with surrounding myself of 5 people I admire: Can't say names...
2.- Changing my environment
3.- Follow your dream
But all in all: LET IT GO!!!!!! and that is the worse and hardest part ever of everything! whatever is holding you and holding me! let it go!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Birthdates...never forget one..even if I forget my hat... ha ha ha
HI to all!
Today was my sister's birthday and I called her, didn't find her... unusual.. but it is her birthday so she must be out.
Anyway just to listen to her voice on the answering machine made me happy.
I went to work, to eat with a friend of mine, enjoyed playing with her kids...tried to teach one of them one guitar chord then we jumped into the piano.... woowow just a reflexion of me when I was young... ever funny !
Then the kids went to bed and we stayed up chatting away about our own life .... and appreciating the precious moments that we had over the weekend meeting different people and talking about things that we didn't know about each other's life.... surprises... Life is full of surprises.... it never ends.... ever beautiful... but if you believe in prayer, pray for us ! for our own health! everyone has health issues... one way or another.... some more serious than others.......we both cried and offered support....
Then we jumped into a different subject....her boyfriend arrived.. had some laughs... then she said to me.... you can have whoever you want in your life... bla bla bla and I said... it is hard to believe ah? same thing that I had said to her a while ago.... believe in prayer and don't worry about your health... everything will be fine..... she was shocked....
See when we are put through though times and hurdles.... we just can't figure out why... and I say that God is just trying to bring us back on track ... I said... frick we were just starting to have some fun... ????? Interesting ah?
Today was my sister's birthday and I called her, didn't find her... unusual.. but it is her birthday so she must be out.
Anyway just to listen to her voice on the answering machine made me happy.
I went to work, to eat with a friend of mine, enjoyed playing with her kids...tried to teach one of them one guitar chord then we jumped into the piano.... woowow just a reflexion of me when I was young... ever funny !
Then the kids went to bed and we stayed up chatting away about our own life .... and appreciating the precious moments that we had over the weekend meeting different people and talking about things that we didn't know about each other's life.... surprises... Life is full of surprises.... it never ends.... ever beautiful... but if you believe in prayer, pray for us ! for our own health! everyone has health issues... one way or another.... some more serious than others.......we both cried and offered support....
Then we jumped into a different subject....her boyfriend arrived.. had some laughs... then she said to me.... you can have whoever you want in your life... bla bla bla and I said... it is hard to believe ah? same thing that I had said to her a while ago.... believe in prayer and don't worry about your health... everything will be fine..... she was shocked....
See when we are put through though times and hurdles.... we just can't figure out why... and I say that God is just trying to bring us back on track ... I said... frick we were just starting to have some fun... ????? Interesting ah?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
.......song. He's tailor made for You
My friend gave me this beautiful song..lyrics and played it for me ..,... she is simply amazing! a lift....a psicologyst, counselling session, sister... mirror... my secret hiding place... without calling her she knows I need her... and same here... this song is hope.. only hope.. she told me the name of the singer but I am so distracted now days with so many things in my life dreams ... that I can't remember... it almost seems that I have Alzheimers but I don't... I miss someone very special and it seems only like yesterday and the moments are just gone in a second... just gone...
The lyrics go as follow:
All this mixed emotions,
Tangled up in pure confusion,
it's hard to let go of the past, but it seems,
easier as time is moving
Well you said he makes you laugh (and he does)
and he makes you happy ( he does)
He sees you smiling back
It is everlasting
and so he's is tailor made for you
With stunning golden hues
and one sweet tone to soothe,
Your persistent beating heart it's just a start
And I have seen you everyday,
You've never been like this before,
He's tailor made, tailor, tailor made
So let go all of these mixed emotions,
Forget all your hesitations,
Together entwined inside this feeling,
Feet off the ground, head hits celing
Then whispered in your ear
He is absolutely falling
The words he said are clear
so don't insist on stalling
because he is tailor made for you
Oh sister, don't be troubled
O sister, please be calm,
Cause this isn't, what you're used to, at all,
He is tailor made for you,
With stunning golden hues
And one sweet tone to soothe....
I absolutely loved it!!! but who is he?????????
Take a guess!!!
The lyrics go as follow:
All this mixed emotions,
Tangled up in pure confusion,
it's hard to let go of the past, but it seems,
easier as time is moving
Well you said he makes you laugh (and he does)
and he makes you happy ( he does)
He sees you smiling back
It is everlasting
and so he's is tailor made for you
With stunning golden hues
and one sweet tone to soothe,
Your persistent beating heart it's just a start
And I have seen you everyday,
You've never been like this before,
He's tailor made, tailor, tailor made
So let go all of these mixed emotions,
Forget all your hesitations,
Together entwined inside this feeling,
Feet off the ground, head hits celing
Then whispered in your ear
He is absolutely falling
The words he said are clear
so don't insist on stalling
because he is tailor made for you
Oh sister, don't be troubled
O sister, please be calm,
Cause this isn't, what you're used to, at all,
He is tailor made for you,
With stunning golden hues
And one sweet tone to soothe....
I absolutely loved it!!! but who is he?????????
Take a guess!!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Hoy fui al banco y me di cuenta de todo el robo que estaban haciendo durante 10 años...me estaban cobrando por si me pasaba del limite o por si no tenia dinero en la cuenta y mensualmente eran dos dolares. Tambien me estaban cobrando por enviarme el estado de cuenta otros casi 3 dolares mensuales cuando podria yo verlo por la pagina web y cancelarlo por correo. Simplemente si lo sumas te da una cantidad enorme.... Furiosa lo cancele.... y aun asi querian convencerme por dejar el overdraft.... que le pasa a la gente.. y que nos pasa a nosotros a mi por ser tan confiada....__???/ no he aprendido la leccion......!!!!! ya no debo confiar en nada ni en nadie.....!!! solo en Dios....pero si no confias en alguien.... entonces como recibir ayuda de la gente?
En fin esa fue mi frustracion del dia de hoy. En buena nota... por fin lave mi ropa, visite a mi amiga... recibi otra llamada de otra amiga.. fui a trabajar... y listo....
Gracias Dios mio por este dia!
En fin esa fue mi frustracion del dia de hoy. En buena nota... por fin lave mi ropa, visite a mi amiga... recibi otra llamada de otra amiga.. fui a trabajar... y listo....
Gracias Dios mio por este dia!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Why worry about the future? Live the present!
I can not beleive how many times we are so worried about the future and stop doing things in the present moment and enjoying the "right now" because what if in a month.... what if I get hurt... what if this ... my Goodness .... you stop living when you do that!
I simply think that life is too short and it goes by fast in a blink of an eye... you and I, we, must enjoy the present.... if it feels right... enjoy the present... if it doesn't then change it.... but stop worrying about the future.... or gotten stuck in the past? just let it go... cry, jump ... hit your pillow... stump.... scream!!! we are only humans!!!!! take your anger out!!!!!!
Why hold your feelings? if you want to love someone....just do it!!!!!!!
Anyway..... having said that ... I am heading to bed.... simply to have a nice sweet sleep because I know that today I lived to my fullest.... I worked hard... laughed hard... sang.... enjoyed my classic music .... enjoyed my friends company... my chats with my relatives and friends..... and my peaceful place. Live simple, humble, and be Happy!!!!!
I simply think that life is too short and it goes by fast in a blink of an eye... you and I, we, must enjoy the present.... if it feels right... enjoy the present... if it doesn't then change it.... but stop worrying about the future.... or gotten stuck in the past? just let it go... cry, jump ... hit your pillow... stump.... scream!!! we are only humans!!!!! take your anger out!!!!!!
Why hold your feelings? if you want to love someone....just do it!!!!!!!
Anyway..... having said that ... I am heading to bed.... simply to have a nice sweet sleep because I know that today I lived to my fullest.... I worked hard... laughed hard... sang.... enjoyed my classic music .... enjoyed my friends company... my chats with my relatives and friends..... and my peaceful place. Live simple, humble, and be Happy!!!!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
A new fresh start...
This morning I got up looking for a new car, new hope.... new fresh start thinking it only can get better…...last night I watched the movie definitely maybe… it made me think about what life can bring you… if you are not sure about your decision the first time… it means that you shouldn’t do it. I recommend this movie since it does have a true story for me behind it. I personally can relate to it somehow. After canceling my wedding because I wasn’t sure about my decision ……I went ahead with it due to a long story behind it that can sound romantic… and after a year.. I struggle with my marriage due to my religious believes for 10 years… now that my separation is almost all over… I look back and wonder if I had listened to my heart and gut feeling …. Where would I be now? but past is past … all I have is present, not even my future.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
TEC 72
Over the last weekend I attended a great workshop or spiritual retreat and I've learned so many things that I not even know where to start from.
The most important one is that I grew up in a family where there was strong catholic values but at the same time strong sense of selfishness and I always strived to become different from that example I saw 'cause I hated it. I hated the fact that every time I asked for a penny it was denied to me and was given to my brothers but not to the girls.
When one of my retreat mates asked me for a towel (since I had an extra one) well well well, my sense of selfishness definetly did not show up.... but right inside of me it did... and oh boy do I ever hate it. ! I did lent the towel without a question.... and he even brought it up in a group.... not knowing that this is one of my biggest struggles ..... not to be selfish in life......
Do we learn what we see even if we hate it?
The most important one is that I grew up in a family where there was strong catholic values but at the same time strong sense of selfishness and I always strived to become different from that example I saw 'cause I hated it. I hated the fact that every time I asked for a penny it was denied to me and was given to my brothers but not to the girls.
When one of my retreat mates asked me for a towel (since I had an extra one) well well well, my sense of selfishness definetly did not show up.... but right inside of me it did... and oh boy do I ever hate it. ! I did lent the towel without a question.... and he even brought it up in a group.... not knowing that this is one of my biggest struggles ..... not to be selfish in life......
Do we learn what we see even if we hate it?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I created this account... hadn't gotten around it. However since all my thoughts just wonder in my mind and I never write them or share them with anyone except my close friends, I finally decided to become less selfish and fearless.
For the longest time I have been feeling lonely, but today I found God and myself surrounded by lots and lots of friends from msn, e-mail, in town, accross the world. One friend sent me an e-mail and said that I just have to remember that I have myself and with that it is enough... it hit me.... it really means to me that is not only myself but God the one that is with me.
Through the thoughest times of my life I always think that I have my Faith so strong... and now I feel that it is not so.... it doesn't matter how much I pray, how much I think and talk to God... I still had fear......... Isn't that interesting......I read one line about Faith and it said that when you have it is when you don't feel fear because you Trust in God and that everything will be alright. I kept telling myself that..... hmmm and repeat it over and over again... but there are disturbing signals that don't allow myself to beleive it. God please increase my Faith. Give me more Strength. Love your daughter.
For the longest time I have been feeling lonely, but today I found God and myself surrounded by lots and lots of friends from msn, e-mail, in town, accross the world. One friend sent me an e-mail and said that I just have to remember that I have myself and with that it is enough... it hit me.... it really means to me that is not only myself but God the one that is with me.
Through the thoughest times of my life I always think that I have my Faith so strong... and now I feel that it is not so.... it doesn't matter how much I pray, how much I think and talk to God... I still had fear......... Isn't that interesting......I read one line about Faith and it said that when you have it is when you don't feel fear because you Trust in God and that everything will be alright. I kept telling myself that..... hmmm and repeat it over and over again... but there are disturbing signals that don't allow myself to beleive it. God please increase my Faith. Give me more Strength. Love your daughter.
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