Thursday, June 5, 2008

Awesome Day

Old friend showed up on my door today! and he called me muñeca! he made my day!
His sister was supposed to show up but she didn´t. Oh well. He went and showed me an appartment and then we brained stormed ideas about how to sell my car in TBay or how to bring it here. Pretty smart man.
His Father died a few months ago so I talked to him about it briefly and we talked about many things in a chingadazo.
How nice is to see and reencounter new friends or old friends.

Yesterday was an awesome day too. I saw Madre Pilar at my High School and she mentioned I sent her an e-mail right from Canada supporting her through her illness of Cancer and her speech was encouraging. She said in April she was healthy and now she is not. Right after her great speech .... she fainted on us. Scarry feeling. I thought she was really sick... I got flashbacks from my sister Mary when she had Cancer.. my stomach went empty, my head spinned and I felt fainting myself too. We were about 50 people there and everyone panicked.. holly.... !!! I couldn´t believe it I ran and got coke for her, no doctors around, the rest of the people around her trying to help giving her some air with paper ....woowwwww a day full of emotions... I saw Vero Fernandez... another old friend from University, and many more from High School.
Thank you Lord for this two Last days... way too many things have happened lately that I can´t thank you enough for it.
Your daughter Marilu

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