Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Goodness....2012 almost over!

This 2012 has been full of new experiences.  For example, I tried to run my own business... at least I started declaring taxes and hired an accountant... the results will be shown in April 2013.. I think I might have lost money but you never know.. maybe in the future 4 months I will recover.

In terms of my job at the University... well I am not enjoying it so much anymore.... I feel very tired and zero energy, bored and just doing it without any happiness.......

My relationship with my boyfriend T. ... no words...can´t figure it out yet... I guess I have to work on it...

Anyway, regarding my Family, I am still in love with it, even though... there are differences.....

Thank you God for this day.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Exciting week!

Good morning followers! Well this week has been full of excitment and new experiences, new friends!  New projects! I hope all of you are doing well!  Cheers!

I like this song and this video!!

Exciting week!

Good morning followers! Well this week has been full of excitment and new experiences, new friends!  New projects! I hope all of you are doing well!  Cheers!

I like this song and this video!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Un nuevo Amor!!!!!

La lluvia fresca está cayendo en este hermoso atardecer y yo estoy haciendo un recuento de recuerdos en mi mente de cómo comenzó mi nuevo amor....

De repente ya me encuentro pensando en el.... en cómo canta, en su alegría, en sus ganas de vivir, en su frescura de ser auténtico, en lo cariñoso que es y lo atento ni se diga.....

Es más parece que esta vez si tiene todos los 5 mínimos que te he estado pidiendo Diosito.  Sin embargo, tampoco me mandaste a este chico como yo lo imaginé.  Yo siempre te pedí que alguien que tenga temor de Dios, alguien que sea alegre, bailador, cantador, trabajador y cariñoso (ya van 6 minimos).

En fin este hombre parece ser y demostrar que tiene esos mínimos y más.  
Te pido me ilumines día a día y me llenes de Fe para seguir tu camino y seguir lo que me pides.....

Te agradezco Padre inmensamente por ésta manifestación de tu amor a través de T.  

Tu hija Marilú.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Uncle's 80th Birthday

Another week has been gone... I came back from a quite dangerous City from Mexico and actually 3 of my sibbilings and I had a great time with our family there.  We celebrated our Uncle´s 80th life anniversary.

It was wonderful because we spent time with him, all our cousins and we even learned more things about each other´s lives....

My uncle had been in many work positions with a lot of financial responsibility and he had been recognized as an HONEST person to deal with.  For us, this is an honor !!

Every single moment was enjoyable and relaxing, speechless.

Great days....

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Domingo inusual....

Todo empezó con un insomnio del más largo de mis tiempos.... mil cosas pasaron por mi cabeza... las coincidencias del día, de la semana, los por qué ocurrió así, ..qué pasará con esto, con lo otro no no....infinidad de pensamientos angustiantes... al final de la noche... ya eran las 8:30 a.m. y una amiga mía había marcado pidiéndome ir a su casa y yo muerta en vida de cansancio.... decidimos que yo dormiría otro rato y le marcaría en cuanto despertara... desperté a la 1 00 p.m.... me bañé y salí a su casa..... finalmente comimos juntas y la acompañé en un duelo de una pérdida.... un abrir de ojos..... algo triste de experimentar... sin embargo, a la vez sentí que el haberme levantado el día de hoy había valido la pena.... aunque estaba muerta de cansancio.... finalmente fué un día interesante, fuimos a buscar a la persona con la que quería hablar.. pero no hubo éxito, se desahogó conmigo y yo viví su tristeza y también abrí los ojos....

Despues nos fuimos al cine y vimos una película bastante fuerte... SHAME... ouch, pero finalmente nos hizo reflexionar sobre los vacíos que pueden existir en este mundo y lo que nos puede llevar a a vivir.... Dios mío líbrame de estos vacíos y lléname de Fé, de tu amor y de ganas de vivir, y aléjame de todo mal, tentaciones, no permitas que ni se me pongan en frente, es más dame fuerza de yo misma alejarlas, así sea. Buenas noches Dios mío, tu hija Marilú.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why worry about anything?

The word don´t worry is a very common word now days......the reason why this is used by most of us, I think it is because there is a lack for Faith in God and in ourselves. If we had Faith, we probably woudn´t worry about then...what is happening to some people including me when we wake up in the middle of the night and can´t fall asleep again....????

Is it that deep inside I don´t have Faith? is it that the cold woke me up? Anyway, today I feel exhausted and all I want to do is to sleep. However I have lots of things to do and responsibilities and tasks that if aren´t done by me they won´t get done by anyone.

Someone stated that if a situation, a thought, an event, does not bring you peace, then it couldn´t be from the Spirit of God...., however, some other friend questioned me about this and explained to me that if a History Heroe made us free in Mexico through a Revolution.....was it peaceful? and my answer was NO, so then I wonder if when I feel all bombarded by my ideas and worries, future plans, uncertainty? etc, it is because PEACE IS AROUND THE CORNER? probably no either.. ha ha ha ...

Having said that I am tired, I am just rumbling and questioning my orthography as well so I must say good bye to all of you for now..... PEACE LIE WITHIN YOU. FIND PEACE IN GOD.

Your daughter Marilu